Home Car Maintenance Reasons You Should Be Handwashing Your Car
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Reasons You Should Be Handwashing Your Car

Reasons You Should Be Handwashing Your Car

Your car is a huge part of your life, and you take pride in how well you take care of it. However, have you ever thought about what happens to it when you run it through an automatic car wash? Those automatic systems are quick, but they can damage your vehicle. If you need convincing, follow along as we discuss the reasons you should be handwashing your car.

Thorough Cleaning

It’s impossible for an automatic car wash to clean a car as well as its owner can. When you handwash, you’re more likely to get in every nook and cranny of the car. As you buff it dry, it’s easy to notice a small piece of dirt while handwashing, and you can take care of it right away.

As a bonus, when handwashing your car, you can clean the interior as well since you already have all the supplies gathered.

Reasons You Should Be Handwashing Your Car

Protecting the Paint

When using an automatic car wash, you have the option to get a coat of wax sprayed on the car after cleaning. A wax coating is great. However, when it’s an automatic wax, you risk damaging the paint of the car.

Unlike you when you handwash, an automatic car wash doesn’t notice if any dirt is still on the vehicle. If there is dirt, it’ll end up sealed in when the sprayed wax coating covers it. From there, it can eat away at the car’s paint over time. If you handwash, you’re more likely to notice that leftover dirt as you begin waxing.

Saving Money

Saving money never hurts. Today, the average automatic car wash costs anywhere from $10 to $20. That can quickly add up to a few hundred dollars a year if you go more than once a month. Compare that cost to washing your car at home, where you already have all the supplies. Saving money is an important reason why you should be handwashing your car.

Doesn’t Involve Moving Parts

We’ve all thought, “What if this car wash breaks down, and I get stuck in here?” Though that seldom happens, all the moving parts can potentially scratch your vehicle. All it takes is for one piece of a vinyl strip or cloth to rip off the cleaning bristles of the automatic car wash. Then, you’ll have a nice take-home scratch on your car.

Instead, handwash at home with microfiber cloths. They’re soft and safe for your car. Plus, they absorb dirt and water better than any other cloth. If you clean microfiber cloths properly, they’ll last for years and never cause a scratch on your vehicle.

Enjoy keeping a clean car, and consider taking care of it on your own rather than at an automatic car wash so that you get the best results.


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