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car upgrade
Car Tips

Four Car Upgrades That Are Worth the Money

If you have a passion for cars, a desire to improve and modify them is only natural. However, because car mods can be...

classic cars
Car Tips

Classic Cars for Beginner Car Collectors

While some first-time vintage car owners may be able to afford to start with a Porsche or Lamborghini, most of us don’t have family...

Car Tips

How To Extend the Life of Your Turbocharger

Turbos pack a real punch, but with extra power comes extra responsibility. To keep your turbo engine chugging along in optimal condition, you...

Maintain Ford Mustang
Car MaintenanceCar Tips

Best Ways To Maintain Your Ford Mustang

The Ford Mustang is a classic vehicle. Introduced during the heyday of 1960s car culture, the Mustang has continued to shine in its...

car batter
Car Tips

Common Causes for a Weak Car Battery

There are often some common causes for a weak car battery. The signs you may notice include dimming headlights, a clicking noise when...

Car Tips

Off-Road Driving Tips for Beginners

There’s nothing quite like taking your ride off the beaten path and out into rugged terrain. If you’re someone seeking adventure, off-roading may...